Friday, September 24, 2010

Where ARE we?

I'm a small town girl.  The town I grew up in had a population of 2,000 and was pretty isolated. No McDonalds. No mall. One movie theatre screen, sometimes. No traffic light. So I swear I'm not a fancy, big-city girl. But here, following our map, we eagerly await the next town hoping to replenish our stock of groceries and cash. Many towns listed on the map end up not being towns - I guess they were just "places"? Okay, the next one will be bigger. Yippee, it has a General Store that says "Groceries" AND "ATM." Hmmmmm. Is there something in here we want to eat? A lot of white bread and hotdogs and not-very-fresh-looking iceberg lettuce. Seriously, this is THE grocery store? Where is the sockeye filet? On what aisle can I find the rice milk? Broccollini? Bulk almonds? Okay, never mind. Let's just get some cash. The ATM is dial-up (dial-up????), has a $40 limit ($40????) and, as usual per the person in front of me, is out-of-order. I'm not complaining, mind you. Just an observation. I am actually relieved that there are still boondocks and that all of America has not been paved over and that there is no Internet access to be found for days on end. It's great. Really.   

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